10 Week Snatch Program
Total cost: £40.00

10 Week Snatch Program

10 Weeks

Why Purchase

Join us and unlock your full potential in this dynamic and rewarding Olympic lift!

✔ Designed by Elite Coach: Programmed by esteemed coach Josh Summersgill, renowned for his expertise in weightlifting and coaching techniques, ensuring top-tier guidance and results.

✔ Structured 10-Week Plan: Follow a meticulously designed 10-week program that focuses exclusively on improving snatch performance, emphasising technique, speed, and strength development.

✔ Progressive Workouts: With carefully planned progressions, each week builds upon the last, allowing for consistent gains in snatch proficiency and overall lifting capacity.

✔ Dedicated Training Sessions: Incorporating 2 sessions per week, each session is dedicated to snatch-specific training, maximising focus and effectiveness while accommodating busy schedules.

✔ Comprehensive Approach: The program includes a variety of snatch variations, drills, and accessory exercises designed to address weaknesses, improve mobility, and enhance overall snatch performance.

✔ Track Your Journey: Utilise the app's integrated tracking features to monitor snatch lifts, weights, and progress throughout the program, empowering you to make data-driven adjustments and celebrate milestones.

✔ Suitable for All Levels: Whether you're a beginner learning the snatch or an experienced lifter aiming to refine technique and increase PRs, this program adapts to different skill levels and goals.

✔ Proven Results: Backed by the expertise of Coach Summersgill and a structured program, expect significant improvements in snatch technique, speed, and lifting capacity by the end of the 10 weeks, leading to more confident and successful lifts.

10 Week Snatch Program
Total cost: £40.00